The Deep Slim treatment is a focused intensity ultrasound ideal for eliminating localized fat resistant to diets and physical exercise. It has HIFU technology and it is an effective, safe and very simple equipment to carry out.
High-intensity focused ultrasound emits focused ultrasound waves directly and specifically aimed at the fat cell, disintegrating the cells without affecting adjacent tissues. HIFU technology is supported by clinical trials and medical studies. It is recognized as an advanced technical solution to achieve maximum efficiency in the treatment of body contouring.
This body treatment is recommended for different areas of our body where fatty deposits are more common:
Inner thighs
Inside of the knee
The effectiveness of this treatment begins from the first session of the month, since it is necessary to wait a while from the realization of the same to begin to notice the response of our body. It is carried out from 1 to 3 maximum sessions per area, it all depends on the amount of fat accumulated in the area and on each particular case.
This treatment is widely used by surgeons as an alternative to a new liposuction or liposculpture intervention for their patients. Besides being a treatment that offers results, it is a safe and painless treatment.
At Tcuida we can offer you a personalized diagnosis to be able to advise you personally and assess your case. We also offer bonuses combined with other body treatments to ensure better results.